GINZA Cozy Corner

Address 1-8-1, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Phone 03-3567-5015
Store hours Shop 10:00-21:00
Tea Lounge 11:00-20:00

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The sweets served in the second floor tea lounge are all produced by an exclusive pastry chef, treating you to a taste that you can only get in Ginza.


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    Treat yourself!

    Cozy Corner is a wonderful place to enjoy a meal or treat yourself to coffee and a delicious dessert. The menu is a little difficult to decipher, but the images will be all you really need. Everything is prepared fresh and expertly.

    Meals are cosmopolitan and have an international flair. The Japanese seem to enjoy variety and foods from all over the world, and the Cozy Corner meets their discerning palette. Desserts are a treat for the eye as well as the sweet tooth. Much attention is focused on the textures and combination of flavors. There is no wrong choice!

    This is also a nice place to pick up a gift for your pet sitter or coworkers. Beautiful selections of cookies, cakes and sweets are available for purchase at a separate gift counter.

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