주소 도쿄도 중앙구 긴자7-5-5 B1
전화번호 0120-156-051
영업 시간 12:00-14:30 (14:00)
18:00-21:00 (20:30) 

( ) = last call

Sun. (open when a natl. hol. fall on Mon.)
May be closed on natl. holidays.

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Owned by SHISEIDO, this authentic French restaurant was opened in 1973. The restaurant name stands for “willow” that are often seen in the town of Ginza.

Average cost per person


Lunch 10,000 yen / 14,000 yen

Dinner 22,000 yen / 28,000 yen / 38,000 yen

There are various a la carte dishes as well.

Service charge: 12%